Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Install Permanent Guard Rails to Fix Areas with Drop Offs

As a business owner, you are responsible to ensure the safety of your employees and visitors. You should inspect all aspects and locations of your facility to verify they meet or exceed OSHA guidelines, as well as other safety agencies. Whenever you find locations which could be potentially hazardous or result in an accident or injury, you need to take steps to resolve this situation. For example, your loading dock could have areas where they drop off to the ground below. This is a safety hazard that can be resolved by installing permanent guard rails.

Permanent Guard Rails Can Help Limit Your Organization’s Liability
Besides helping to create safety in your facility, permanent guard rails can also help to limit your liability. Slip and fall accidents are one of the more common types of accidents which often results in the business owner being taken to court. The injured party has to prove the owner was negligent and allowed a potentially dangerous condition to occur that resulted in their accident. However, business owners, who take the time and install the right safety equipment, like guard rails, will be able to show they took every step possible to help prevent an accident was exercising due diligence.  Fall protections is smart risk management.

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