Visual warning line systems help section off specific areas for a variety of purposes. For instance, you could place this type of system around a parking lot prior to resealing the pavement. You are also able to use the system as a warning method in locations where a flat surface abruptly ends and is followed by a large drop-off, like on the ends of a roof. When used in this manner, it creates a clear barrier to prevent accidental falls anytime roofing work is being completed.
Besides helping to section off areas and create barriers, visual warning line systems can also be used for situations requiring crowd control. The warning line posts are often set up where warning flags or ropes are attached in between each one to create a clear path for people to follow. You could also section of large areas for times you want people to wait in specific locations, such as prior to retail store openings during special sales events like Black Friday.
Visual Warning Line Systems Can Be Used for Crowd Control
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